Colon Consultores was established as a professional firm in 1999. It has been
dedicated to provide accounting services.
The Corporate Legal Advisory service has been requested by several customers, it started
in 2005.
In 2007 the Audit division was opened as part of the comprehensive professional support
for companies and organizations.
As of 2018, transfer pricing studies are prepared for foreign companies with branch in
They are our most valuable asset; we strive to do a good job and on time.
We have a group of professionals certified abroad and they have local experience for more than 20 years
The “New normal” requires us to modernize the delivery of professional services. Most of the reports and reviews are done online for your convenience
In numbers:
Tax issues resolved
“Minuto Contable” is the series of videos developed by our firm which contains practical
tips for your company.
Here is the topic 4 practical steps to LAUNCH
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